Dr G

In this article, I will explain how to use reading aloud to improve your Japanese proficiency in more detail.

















Dr G



1. Use texts with audio

You can find quality Japanese texts in various places these days. Unless you can also find an audio file of the text, however, it takes time and effort to look up words that you do not know, and even if you read aloud yourself, you may learn incorrect pronunciation or intonation instead. To avoid this, when implementing reading aloud, it is the best to use texts with audio as much as possible. Most Japanese textbooks come with an audio CD or downloadable audio files, and all the articles on this site also have their audio files available for your convenience. Please use the audio files to help you practise reading aloud effectively.

2. Steps of reading aloud

Step 1: Preparation for reading aloud

If you are reading a text for the first time, there may be words or kanji that you do not know how to pronounce. Play the audio first so that you can write down the furigana and intonation marks as necessary to prepare for reading aloud. I would pay particular attention to intonation to get closer to the native pronunciation. I would write down short lines on top of a word or a phrase to show if I need to say it with a rising intonation, falling intonation or flat so that I can reproduce native like pronunciation by myself. If there are words that you don’t understand, look them up at this stage.

Step 2: Reading aloud

Once you have done the preparation, play the audio and practise your reading aloud. You may not be able to keep up with the speed of the audio yet, in that case, you can pause the audio after each sentence. After repeating this several times, try reading aloud by yourself without the audio and see if you can read it properly by looking at the furigana and intonation marks that you have written down. Repeat this a number of more times and then play the audio file again and practise reading aloud at the same speed. To avoid the situation of reading mechanically without understanding the meaning of the text, I would recommend you to think about the meaning of each sentence while reading aloud.

Step 3: Shadowing

When you can read the text at the same speed of the audio file, play the audio without looking at the written text and see you can say the text by just listening to the audio. It may be difficult at first, but if you have practised properly in the previous steps, you will soon get used to it. You can pause the audio to practise at first and then gradually move to shadowing the audio at the original speed. Again, it is important that you don’t just say it aloud, but also think about the meaning of the sentence that you are saying.

Step 4: Dictation

Once you are used to reading aloud and shadowing, to further improve your listening and writing skills, please try dictation using the same text. First, play the audio 2 or 3 times at the original speed and see how much you can write down. It is fine even if you cannot write down everything yet as long as you have got the main points of the text. If you wish to acquire higher level of listening skills that allow you to hear more details, then you can go further by pausing the audio and writing down every sentence in whole. This can be a very time consuming task at first, but the more you practise, the faster you can write and eventually, you will be able to dictate most of the text within 2 or 3 times of playing the audio at its original speed.

3. Record

Learning a new language is not an easy journey and you need to stay motivated at all times in order to keep going and reach your goals in the journey. To maintain your motivation, it is vital to visualise, in other words, to record your progress of reading aloud. It is recommended that you read the same text at least three times. By keeping track of the time that takes you to finish reading aloud one text, you should be able to see that it takes less and less time each time you read it. This means that you can see that reading aloud helps you become more and more fluent. It would be effective to do reading aloud every day even for just 10 minutes and keeping a record of the dates when you did it would be useful for reading aloud to become your daily habit. It doesn’t matter which format you use to keep a record, but you need to ensure that you include the elements mentioned above in your record for it to work effectively. Please feel free to use the attached record sheet to start with and once you get used to it, you might wish to use your own way to record your progress in reading aloud.

Dr G
Let’s aim for 5 days a week and try reading aloud for 3 weeks first!

Download here


1. 使用带朗读文件的文章


2. 朗读的步骤









3. 朗读记录


Dr G


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