当ブログについて|About this blog

このサイトの名前は「最初はグー」です。日本語でじゃんけんをする時に、「最初はグー、ジャンケンポン!」と言って、勝ち負けを競います。つまり、グーかチョキかパーを出す前に、まずこぶしを握り締めて、グーの形をするのです。実は、このサイトの運営者であるDr Gの発音は、「ドクター・グー」なのです。じゃんけんで勝負をする時にまずグーを出すのと同じように、日本語学習の勝負においては、最初にこのサイトを選んでいただければとの願いが込められています。
Naming of this blog
The name of this website is ‘Saishowa-goo’. When we do ‘paper, rock, scissors’ in Japanese, we say ‘saishowa goo, jan-ken-pon’ and see who wins the game. ‘Saishowa goo’ means ‘do rock first’, so all participants of the game start with doing ‘rock’ before they give their choices. The founder of this website is Dr G and to pronounce the name correctly, it is actually ‘Dr Goo’. I wish that Japanese learners choose my website first when they decide to go on the journey to becoming fluent in Japanese, just like you do ‘goo (rock)’ first when you compete in ‘paper, rock, scissors’.
The purpose of this blog
The purpose of this blog is to provide high quality reading materials mainly for intermediate and advanced learners of Japanese so that they can practise reading aloud and extensive reading. The texts are written to cover a wide range of topics related to Japan so that Japanese learners can improve their Japanese language and at the same time also get a glimpse of the Japanese culture, Japanese people’s lifestyle and their way of thinking. All users are expected to read the Terms of Use before using any materials on this site. We sincerely hope that this site will help you further improve your Japanese proficiency and deepen your understanding of Japan.
本网站的名字是“Saishowa-goo”。在用日语玩“石头、剪子、布”的时候,我们会一边说“saishowa goo, jan-ken-pon”一边看谁能赢这个游戏。“Saishowa-goo”的意思是“先出石头”,也就是说大家在出自己的手势之前,每个人都是出拳头的。本网站的创建人是Dr G,正确的发音是Dr Goo。给网站起这个名字的理由就是希望广大日语爱好者在选择优良的日语学习素材的时候能最先选择我的网站,就像我们玩“石头、剪子、布”的时候都会先出“goo(石头)”一样。