
The reason why reading aloud is recommended in learning foreign languages and some benefits of committing to reading aloud are explored in this article.







Dr G











Recommending reading aloud

To improve your language skills, using quality texts to implement reading aloud is highly recommended in this blog. I have the experience of mastering both Japanese and English through reading aloud and I believe that this is an effective way for anyone to try out.

Although practising reading aloud is not specified for a particular exam, it will improve your overall Japanese proficiency so that you can withstand any situation including exams and interviews that require high level of language skills.

Benefits of reading aloud

Dr G
You will experience various benefits by committing to reading aloud. Let’s explain some of the benefits here.

Benefit 1: Increasing the output in the target language

Generally speaking, language learners can produce the target language when they have accumulated sufficient amount of input. Unlike silent reading which is a form of input, reading aloud requires learners to actually produce the sound, which increases the output opportunity of the language. To be able to do reading aloud, learners have to know the pronunciation of each kanji and vocabulary and they also need to pay more attention to the meaning and the structure of the text.

There are learners who would like to practise the target language in real conversations, however, have you had any experience of not being able to pronounce properly or making a grammatical mistake when you try to use something newly learned spontaneously? Unless you are speaking to a teacher, in most cases, as long as your conversation partner understands what you are trying to say, they would not correct your mistakes. In other words, you can still communicate with incorrect language, which might result in you remembering the wrong language instead.

It is important to practise speaking in real conversations, however, this might not be the most effective way for you to improve your language. By implementing reading aloud, learners who try to learn on their own or those who live overseas and cannot find a suitable person to practise their speaking with can actually create the opportunity for themselves to produce the language and improve their Japanese effectively.

Benefit 2: Aiming for a higher level by fostering a good sense of the language

By implementing reading aloud, you would not only improve your fluency and accuracy in Japanese, a good sense of the language would also be fostered so that you know how natural Japanese sounds like. A good sense of the Japanese language is very important for learners who aim to acquire a high level of proficiency.

Have you ever met a Japanese learner whose vocabulary and grammar are used correctly but their Japanese doesn’t sound natural? A true advanced Japanese learner can use the language appropriately and naturally in various situations not just accurately. Reading aloud would assist you effectively in becoming a near native Japanese speaker as you can learn how to use individual vocabulary and grammar in natural context.

Benefit 3: Developing all four skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing

Reading aloud does not only improve your reading ability, it actually improves your listening, speaking and writing skills as well. Compared with silent reading, reading aloud places more pressure on the learner, which helps the learner speak the language more fluently and accurately. By adopting the learning methods explained in the next article, you can expect further improvement in your listening and writing skills as well.






Dr G










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