
What are the most important things in learning a foreign language? It is never easy to master a language that you don’t know. Let’s think about some of the misconceptions that we hear from time to time.
















Myth 1: It’s best to go to the target country to learn the language

There are lots of advantages to learn a language in a country that the language is spoken. Nowadays, however, an enormous amount of information is available on the Internet and various social network services, which has enabled an environment where language learners can learn a language from anywhere as long as they are willing to learn.

Imagine that you went to a country that you didn’t really know much about the language. You might be able to master daily conversation to certain extend by using gestures and mimicking what local people were saying. However, it would be difficult to go above that level and keep improving your language effectively.

You might know someone who lived in Japan for many years but still had their own accents and could not use sophisticated grammar and vocabulary. This indicates that going to the target country might not always be the most effective way for learners to master the language.

Myth 2: It’s best to start learning a language when you are young

I don’t plan to deny this completely, however, it also sounds like an excuse for someone who is not committed enough to learning a language. I strongly believe that you can start to learn a language from any age as long as you are determined to do so.

I started learning Japanese from Year 7 (12 years old) and continued learning Japanese for 10 years in China. Then I went to Japan and studied there for another 5 and half years. By the time I completed my post graduate studies in Japan, I have reached near-native level in all areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. I know many other people with similar experiences and people who only started learning Japanese at university but still achieved very high level of Japanese proficiency.

In my case, I had not had the opportunity to learn English and I always felt A sense of inferiority for English. I started learning English from scratch when I was 28 years old after a number of years working at a company in Japan because I could not give up my dream to become a Japanese teacher and had the idea to go to an English speaking country to pursue my ambition. It took me 2 years to be accepted into a teaching course in Australia and another 2 years to get my teaching qualification there and be offered a position as a Japanese teacher. Now I have lived in Australia for more than 10 years and I still think that my English is not as good as my Japanese but I am using English to live and work and I feel that knowing a third language has opened even more doors for me.

Myth 3: It’s best to learn from native teachers

I understand why many language learners would like a native teacher to teach them. However, I believe that non-native teachers can also teach really well. In fact, during the 10 years of learning Japanese in China, I only had a native teacher for 1 or 2 sessions in a week for 2 years. Most of my Japanese teachers were Chinese and some of them had strong accents, but they were all highly professional, knowledgeable and wonderful teachers.

It is important to have a humble attitude and accept that it’s never other people’s fault when your Japanese is not progressing or not progressing at a pace you would expect. If your local teachers have accents, you can solve this issue by imitating the pronunciation of native speakers or looking up the correct pronunciation in the dictionary. Instead of pointing out the mistakes of your local teachers, it is way more important to know what areas they are good at and learn as much as possible from them.

Having a goal and being committed to continuous learning are vital in learning a foreign language. The purposes of learning Japanese may vary enormously from one person to another, but since you are spending your precious time learning the language, why not to set the goal as high as possible? I would like to be of your assistance in reaching your goals in learning Japanese.














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